The art and culture of Japanese fermentation is going global

As Kojicon 2022 was coming to a close, presenter Takashi Sato, president of San-J, unveiled a new website that brings Japanese fermentation traditions to the English-speaking world: “Hakko” means “fermentation” Japanese, and Hakko Hub is a place to learn everything there is to know about the traditional ferments of Japan: shoyu (soy sauce), miso, mirin, and more. In his presentation, Takashi talked about the…

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The Salmon of Doubt

There’s a lot of positivity on this site about preserving food, reducing food waste, etcetera, but sometimes things can go wrong. We shouldn’t fool ourselves into believing that salt solves every food preservation problem, even though sometimes it seems that way. For instance, meat. I haven’t done much with meat on this blog, because I don’t want to put information out there that could be…

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