Official Discord Server

As our beloved Kojicon has drawn to a close, the community that sprang up around it in the private Slack group has been wondering how we can stick together after the Slack closes in May. I’m not saying that I have the only answer to that, but I realized that the experience of the past two weeks was something I’d be willing to put some…

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KojiCon Begins Today!

I’m so excited to be taking in two full weeks of presentations from Koji masters! The virtual conference has been put together by Jeremy Umansky and Rich Shih, along with Yellow Farmhouse Education Center in Connecticut. If you’re also at the virtual conference, give me a wave on the private Slack! Find me as Cory Hughart (Crock of Time)!

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The #LoFi album you’ve been waiting for

@fragnum_opus has released* an entire lofi album based on Crock of Time! Crock of Time by Fragnum Opus Though crafted around the concept of fermentation, I think the emotional themes presented here reach out past weird food hobbies to empathize with any creative endeavor. In Foraging for Cave Mushrooms, we begin our journey, collecting materials, resources, or even just inspiration. It is hopeful and, perhaps,…

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The Sourdough Conspiracy

Big Sourdough wants you to believe that it’s too hard to do yourself. And if you’re doing it anyways, you’ve probably been working harder than you need to, but it’s not your fault. Ok, so I don’t really think there is a Big Sourdough conspiracy, but I do blame the internet. The world’s most accessible font of human knowledge is prone to many errors, and…

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Goodbye, 2020

The year that everything changed… 2020 was, by and large, a horrible year. I wouldn’t recommend it. But, as you generally do during these arbitrarily-chosen time intervals, I’d like to take a moment to look back at the last year, reminisce a little, and try to have a little hope for the next. On January 1st, 2020, I was in a bit of a depression.…

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Fermenting on YouTube

Introducing the Crock of Time YouTube channel! The first video is about… my daily coffee routine. I was gifted a GoPro early for Christmas this year, and I’m going to put it to good use. This first video was intended as the scribble on the first page of a blank notebook, serving as a test of the recording and editing process. It took me longer…

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Happy First Halloween, Crock of Time!

Its been a very strange year for all of us, but this website is now almost 6 months old! That’s long enough for us to have completed at least one long-running fermentation logbook that the site launched with, Green Chili Sauce ft. Barley Koji! And we’re not done yet, as evidenced by the very newest, spookiest ferment so far just posted today, Spooky Pumpkin Miso.…

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Finally, your Twitter feed can be complete

That’s right, @crockoftime is on Twitter! What took so long? Well, there seems to have been a bit of a snafu when the account was created and it was mistakenly flagged by an automated process. It took almost 4 months, but today I was surprised with full access and no messages about being suspended. I don’t want to just post the same photos on all…

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Death of a Starter Update: It’s Alive!

It’s been only two days since my starter caught an infection, and it looks better than ever! Fantastic 3x rise within 8 hours at a cool 68°F room temperature while I was at work. This doesn’t mean I’m done with my rehabilitation process, but I like to celebrate the little successes. I’ve been “feeding” at a 1:1:1 ratio (34g each, I keep about 100g starter)…

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Death of a Starter: Is This the End?

I haven’t baked with my sourdough for 2 weeks now, as I was working on a non-sourdough Hokkaido milk bread recipe. I did feed it a few times, but I didn’t realize there was a problem until today. You see, the photo above is of the starter after a full 24 hours. There are some tiny bubbles, however there are no telltale streaks on the…

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