The best virtual conference in fermentation is coming back! Tickets go on sale January 5, 2023 at kojicon.org! Last year there were many excellent sessions, including information sessions as well as workshop-style sessions demonstrating how to make things with koji, and also featured some koji-cousins from China and Korea. You can get the most up-to-date information about the conference at that link and also on…
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I have made really great shio koji with whey in place of water, so I figured why not try something similar for amazake? I’m always trying to find ways to use things we might normally throw away, such as this liquid that my burrata was packed in. Watch till the end for a taste test! 😝 Follow @crockoftime on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to get…
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I’m running a Cosy Koji book giveaway on Instagram, Twitter, and on the Crock of Time Discord until August 5. Cosy Koji is a limited-run book by Marika Groen that will teach you everything you need to know about making koji, the ancient Japanese practice of growing Aspergillus oryzae on grains of rice. The photos and writing are very personal, inviting you to be a…
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Finally, “koji process” coffee is here, and we’re tasting it live! “Koji Supernatural” is a coffee produced by Phoenix Coffee in Cleveland, Ohio as a collaboration between coffee director Christopher Feran and Jeremy Umansky. We’re brewing and tasting it for the first time live on stream with some friends: Jack, Nick, and Kyra. See Christopher Feran’s Instagram post for information about the process. Live Sunday…
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For 3 years now, I’ve been growing my own koji on rice at home with very consistent results, thanks to some help from Jeremy Umansky’s koji class at Larder back in early 2019. I’ve seen some folks have a tough time with their own so I’m doing a livestream to show my process and equipment that gets me the results I’m looking for every time.…
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As Kojicon 2022 was coming to a close, presenter Takashi Sato, president of San-J, unveiled a new website that brings Japanese fermentation traditions to the English-speaking world: hakkohub.com. “Hakko” means “fermentation” Japanese, and Hakko Hub is a place to learn everything there is to know about the traditional ferments of Japan: shoyu (soy sauce), miso, mirin, and more. In his presentation, Takashi talked about the…
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